Since its inception in 1896, members of the Big Ten have relentlessly pursued academic excellence. Our students set out on quests for new knowledge and discoveries. Each day, they give their all to their education. Today, you can give $10 to empower them on their journey toward knowledge and success.
Whether you bleed Blue, don your Gold, fly your Green, or sport your Red, we all are proud of our institutions because true colors and spirit run deep. This spirit brings back fond memories, and it’s rooted in tradition. Today, you can show your pride by wearing your college colors, rooting for your alma mater, and consider making a gift to help build momentum.
From 1766 to 1870, our institutions began their journey to become the powerhouses they are today. Our origin stories are as unique as our students, but they share a common vision: to educate and advance our community. Give today to celebrate not just what makes us unique, but what unites us through a common purpose.
As research institutions, we are not only improving the lives of our students – we are shaping society. We are creating engaged community members. We are finding solutions to the problems in the world. We are proactive in our efforts to combat future challenges. And while a little rivalry is good for all of us, we share the same hope: a better tomorrow. Give today in honor of the next generation of scientists, researchers, educators, activists, and leaders!